If you are interested in studying more then you need to move to the higher levels of studies. The doctoral fellowship is the higher and advanced level of studies. If you want to get the post doctoral fellowship as a visiting scholar then Fulbright is the best place which can give you the best quality education. The education that you do from Fulbright has high respect and recognition in the world of education and others. Fulbright is that educational institute which offers the chance to the scholars to do studies. It also provides the way and the opportunity to the scholars from abroad to do the research work in United States.
When you have to apply for a Post Doctoral Fellowship for visiting scholars then you should follow the below method to apply. At first you should make sure that you are a citizen of some other country and not US. You should have PH.D Degree and must be perfect in English and good health. Secondly contact your country's Bi-national Fulbright commission to get the permission. Thirdly choose whether you want to teach or pursue your research or both. Decide about the program you would like to take. Get yourself affiliated to any US institution. Prepare all the material like the application form, project statement, CV, three letters of Reference, a letter of invitation from the US host institution and a letter of good health. Send all the materials before the deadline. Make sure that you keep a photo copy of all your documents in case any mishap occurs.
There are many positions in the post doctoral positions. It is not easy to obtain the post doctoral positions. A post doctoral position requires you to be capable enough of meeting your requirements. A post doctoral position can be obtained by applying with the necessary requirements.