The University of Sydney offers a 3 year duration postdoctoral research fellowship to deserving candidates for conducting research in any of the disciplines available in the schools and departments of University of Sydney. Here, the University of Sydney offers not only an attractive starting salary but also provides a strong and attractive monetary grant to support the research work. All these facilities are attracting talented brains all across the globe to Australia for research work as postdoctoral fellow.
There are various fields that require postdoctoral researchers and throughout the world you will find that even organizations and multinational companies are providing financial help to these Universities for research programs to ensure that research and development carries on in the related fields. The fellowship programs are available in all the general fields of science and technology along with agriculture, social sciences and literature. Without these useful researches, it is impossible to think of advancement in any field. Farming and agriculture are serious subjects today, which offer a wide area of research for post doctorates.
Fellowships for post doctorates are available in other important fields like medical sciences where it is important to continue research work to ensure that the future of the human race is safe and secure from various life threatening diseases. You can attach yourself to various medical institutions for postdoctoral fellowships for research. However, you may also go for research fellowship in biological sciences, which allows you to contribute in a round about way towards the medical sciences.
With increase in pollution and changing environmental conditions, postdoctoral research in environmental and earth sciences may prove vital for ensuring different possible ways of saving the environment from further destruction or change. Research in this field has gained importance with high demand for alternatives to maintain the damaged environment. If the topic of the research is interesting and has high possibilities of altering or bringing huge benefits to humankind, then getting funds for it is not an issue at the present moment.
The present scenario of opportunities for a postdoctoral fellow is high in every field with institutions and organizations merging together to ensure that advancement in technology is maintained through these efforts. Young postdoctoral researchers are encouraged by their respective nations and universities to opt for research work rather than enslave their brains for money to some multinational organization.
Thus, it is better to opt for a research fellowship for a post doctorate in the present scenario, with the opportunities that are available through various Universities and institutions. Pursue your dreams and diversify your career by becoming a postdoctoral fellow in various opportunities provided by famous Universities.